When it comes to earning cash back on your purchases, it is important to understand your card’s maximum redemption amounts. You should also consider whether or not you want to make use of other types of redemption options.
If you are looking to earn cash back on your grocery purchases, you may be interested in a credit card that rewards you with rebates. Some of these cards are specifically designed to reward you with a higher percentage on your purchases of groceries. Others are only designed to provide you with a certain amount of cash back on your overall purchases.
For those who are shopping online, the PayPal Rewards Card is one option to consider. This card links directly to your PayPal account. With the card, you can earn cash back by shopping at hundreds of online retailers. The rewards are then transferred to your PayPal balance. While the process is a little difficult, if you are already comfortable with PayPal, this may be a worthwhile addition to your credit card portfolio.
Another great option for cash back on your gas and grocery purchases is GetUpside. This service offers cash back on gas station, restaurant, and grocery store purchases. Users can also view their bank accounts, receive alerts when their funds are low, and even get coupons for their favorite stores. Additionally, users can take advantage of cash back on gasoline in select areas.
In addition to its convenience, the PayPal Rewards Card is great for those who prefer to shop online. However, if you are not a fan of PayPal, this credit card may be a little too restrictive for you.