No matter if you earn cash back with your credit card, an app, or in store purchases, there are a few key points to remember in order to maximize the returns from every dollar spent. First and foremost, take note of each card’s cash-back rates and bonus categories in order to gain the most return for every cent spent; this can give an idea of how much can be earned across different areas such as groceries and transit (parking, tolls, trains).
Second, look for an app with low minimum redemption amounts so you can redeem your earnings as soon as possible and avoid them sitting dormant in your account for too long.
Thirdly, ensure the apps you choose align with your daily spending habits and are available at stores you visit frequently. Ibotta is an example of an app which acts as a receipt scanner and offers discounts at grocery stores and retailers alike – it even allows users to earn extra by scanning receipts from restaurants!
RebateKey works differently by connecting to your email inbox and searching over 30,000 online stores for coupon codes that could potentially save you money. When it finds one, you can claim it and receive cash back via check – similar to how Honey works as a browser extension that can alert you about coupons or price drops in any online store.