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Preparing and producing a video sequence takes time. That’s why it’s essential for everyone involved with its production to be on board with its vision before production begins; storyboards provide an excellent means of accomplishing this objective.
Storyboards, as their name implies, are images that provide a visual outline for an online video clip or film sequence. Similar to comic strip frames in appearance, storyboards may be drawn manually or created using software programs. Either way, any storyboard created should be clear and straightforward with visual cues, camera direction information and dialogue or text included beneath every frame.
Storyboards can be an ideal way to communicate your creative video ideas and obtain executive approval before beginning production. By helping others envision what your final product will look like, storyboards may reduce resistance from them as well.
Though a storyboard must be visually pleasing, its purpose should remain the same – that of serving as a guide rather than artwork. Therefore, its purpose should remain straightforward. An effective storyboard should be easy for readers and viewers alike to interpret, so detailed movie posters are unnecessary. For example, when trying to highlight motion in their storyboards it can help if arrows indicate the direction of movement to make your storyboards more dynamic.