Earn Cash Back at BookBaby

Earn Cash Back at BookBaby

BookBaby is an excellent platform to publish your work as it provides several services that will assist in getting it published as well as into an e-book for readers to enjoy on mobile devices.

Since 2011, this company has been an industry-leading self-publishing service for authors. Their authors benefit from every step of the publishing process – cover design, formatting and editing included – as well as worldwide print distribution, eBook distribution, free ISBN registration and an unconditional money-back satisfaction guarantee for customers and authors alike.

BookBaby offers print-on-demand services that allow them to produce one book or an entire order at once, using hardcover books with various trim sizes (like 6×9 inches). Their digital printing presses can easily handle large print runs in full color – an advantage over most other POD companies.

BookBaby provides authors with access to an online bookstore where they can sell directly to readers and keep 85% of sales profits from these direct sales. Available to any author with a BookBaby distribution account, the bookstore allows authors to track page visits daily while growing their audience.

BookBaby provides various pricing plans depending on the type of book you’re writing, with its standard plan being free but additional distribution and features requiring extra fees; its premium plan, however, includes custom web development as well as marketing support services.