Earn Cash Back at Crabtree & Evelyn

Earn Cash Back at Crabtree ampamp Evelyn

Earn Cash Back at Crabtree & Evelyn

Bath, body and home care brand Crabtree &Evelyn has joined forces with marketing solutions provider 89 Degrees to launch its Platinum Rewards loyalty programme. This rewards members with money back and other perks for being loyal to the brand as well as access to members-only events, discounts and promotions.

Crabtree & Evelyn has been creating botanical formulations for 35 years, with retail outlets in 40 countries. Their mission is to give customers an indulgent experience while also advocating sustainability and the use of natural ingredients.

Cyrus Harvey and Peter Windett founded Wanderlust with a focus on exploration. Drawing inspiration from nature, they experimented with scents and discoveries to create products infused with fruit, flower and plant essences for an organic feel.

Discover a wide selection of beauty, home and lifestyle items at Sephora. From soothing candles, diffuser sets and room mists to delectable teas and treats – there’s something for everyone here!

If you want to maximize the savings from Crabtree & Evelyn shopping, make sure to stack it with cash back through TopCashback. This free service allows you to take advantage of exclusive discounts and deals from your favourite online retailers while earning rewards in the form of cash rewards for each purchase.

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