Earn Cash Back at Design Furnishings

Earn Cash Back at Design Furnishings

Since 1976, Design Furnishings has been providing custom furniture solutions to commercial clients with turnkey solutions. Their products include booths, bar and dining furniture, chairs and outdoor furnishings made from materials both durable and stylish such as wicker. Customers can purchase their items both online and through dealers across the US; services offered include space planning, layout rendering and fit and finish recommendations.

What to Know about Earning Cash Back at Design Furnishings Credit card networks use merchant category codes (MCC) to classify retailers and establish cashback eligibility. Banks, card issuers and network partners use these four-digit numbers to track spending, protect against fraud, assign rewards and fine-tune their programs – you may notice purchases such as gas stations or service stations don’t appear in categories you expect them to – for your own protection, review each card’s bonus categories list and definitions before shopping.

One way to maximize your savings is to combine a card that offers credit-card-level cash back with Chirpyest’s free cash-back app, Chirpyest. Many interior designers are taking this route when shopping home goods and budget-conscious projects. By combining both cards, your rewards almost double. Plus, shopping boards shared with clients or followers could earn them additional rewards!