Earn Cash Back at ECOVACS

Earn Cash Back at ECOVACS

Earn Cash Back with ECOVACS

When shopping for an ECOVACS robot vacuum cleaner or making a mopping robot, use rebate websites to collect a percentage of the cashback that you spend. Many sites also provide coupons and promo codes from ECOVACS that can be applied towards purchases.

Cash Back on ECOVACS Vacuums

The ECOVACS Deebot line of robot vacuum cleaners are perfect for regular floor maintenance. Not only are these easy to use, but you can even set up an automated cleaning schedule!

They’re also compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing you to control them via voice commands. Although this feature may seem redundant since most robot vacuums already do this, it can come in handy for spot cleaning or returning to the dock without picking up your phone.

Though we have some reservations about the Deebot line, we do have some security issues to consider. Most notably, the live-streaming HD camera that can move around your house to monitor things presents a major security risk, as it could be hacked and used to spy on you.

Second, some Ecovacs Deebot models feature room-mapping sensors and LiDAR lasers that could be compromised. This would enable them to track you and your home even without a microphone.

Ecovacs takes great measures to protect their Deebot models with strong encryption and password protection, helping to avoid such breaches. If you own a Deebot, it’s worth investigating how you can shield it against security risks.