Earn Cash Back at Going
Are you in search of ways to save money while shopping? A cash back rewards program could be the perfect solution. These programs often partner with credit cards, stores and online retailers in order to reward customers for their spending habits.
Many of these programs are free to join and offer tremendous savings on everyday items like groceries and household necessities. The key is finding an app that meets both your needs and budget.
Fetch: With this app, you can earn cashback from grocery, drug, convenience and club stores by snapping photos of your receipts. Plus, you’ll earn points that can be exchanged for gift cards!
Ibotta: Another app that rewards you with cashback when shopping in-store and online through a browser extension. Once your balance has grown sufficiently large enough, redeem it for deposits into PayPal accounts or gift cards.
Rakuten: This larger cash back site provides rebates and coupons at many major retailers, as well as free shipping for some items. Signing up is free and you could save up to 30% on your purchases.
MyPoints: This get-paid-to (GPT) site is renowned for their high-earning surveys, but you can also earn cashback. Plus, their free online rewards program gives you access to up to 40% back at select retailers.
Checkout 51: This coupon and cash back app offers an impressive 40% back on over 5,000 stores. With a low minimum redemption amount and new offers delivered weekly to your inbox, Checkout 51 is sure to become one of your go-to apps for savings!