You can save a ton of money at Just Thrive by using their coupon codes. The company sends out emails with new offers as they come online. They may also be printed on digital coupons. Using these offers, you can save as much as 70% off clearance prices.
You can save even more by signing up for the Thrive Rewards program. It is free to join. Members can earn points by buying certain products and brands. These points can then be traded for discounts. There are many perks to the rewards program, including full-size gifts with purchase. In the future, Thrive plans to add gamification elements to the program.
Aside from the rewards program, Thrive Market has several other discounts for members. One of the most popular is the Buy One Get One Free (BOGO) deal. On top of the savings, you don’t have to pay shipping. This can be especially beneficial if you are ordering bulk items. Those who are military or college students can save even more on Thrive items.
Thrive Market’s rewards program is designed to make shopping fun. There are several sales and specials throughout the year. Some of these include:
The new Thrive Rewards program will be extended to all users in the coming weeks. These discounts are not available in all markets. For example, there are no sales to residents of Hawaii or Puerto Rico. However, customers can contact Thrive Customer Service within 21 days of receiving an order.