If you are a shopper at Karl Lagerfeld Paris then you may want to take a look at their cash back program. This is a very legitimate program that allows you to earn some real money by purchasing Karl Lagerfeld merchandise. They also have several sales throughout the year which can help you save on your purchases.
Karl Lagerfeld offers free economy shipping on all orders over $50. You can upgrade to express shipping for an extra $20. The standard shipping time is around 2 to 3 business days. However, you can also get priority shipping in a single day for an additional $35. For more information, check out their website.
It’s no secret that Karl Lagerfeld is a fashion powerhouse. They have a signature style that encompasses both classic and contemporary pieces. Plus, they have a very aspirational approach to style. Some of their best sellers include their handbags, dresses and shoes.
In addition to their snazzy online sales, you can earn some cash back if you take advantage of their promo codes. These codes are usually available every month. Also, the company has an impressive rewards program for loyal customers. Depending on your purchase, you may be rewarded with gift cards, coupons and other perks.
The most important part of collecting rebates is finding a good cashback website. Many cashback sites offer a wide range of payment methods and you can even opt for a free membership. As with any reputable program, you will be asked to provide your payment details before you can start earning.