Cash back is money you gain when making purchases through certain apps, either through points collected on your credit card or direct payments into your bank account. The best cash back apps help save on daily essentials like groceries or household goods while encouraging consumers to try out new brands or services such as delivery and online shopping.
Some cash back apps work through receipt scanning while others allow you to simply link your credit or debit card and start earning rewards automatically. Once linked, rewards can be redeemed in-app for gift cards or transferred directly into your bank or PayPal account.
Ibotta is an easy and straightforward receipt-scanning app with numerous offers available – you could receive cash back on everything from food, tech gadgets and beauty products – all just by signing up! Download it free today to take advantage of all its offers. Plus you’ll even receive a $20 welcome bonus just for signing up!
Fetch Rewards and Drop apps also offer cash back on everyday purchases, which you can redeem for gift cards or transfer directly into your bank account, PayPal or Venmo account.
Upromise and Honey are among the apps on this list with features that set them apart from their competition, such as Upromise allowing you to direct some of your cash back earnings into high yield savings or 529 college savings accounts while Honey can automatically check 30,000 stores for coupon codes.