Earn Cash Back at LEVEL8 is a great way to get cash back on purchases you make. This type of cash rebate is usually available in the form of a credit card. Some providers offer welcome bonuses, meaning that you can receive even more money when you first join. Depending on the site, it can take a few weeks or even up to 90 days for the rewards to arrive. It’s important to look for a trusted site, so check out the customer ratings and reviews. You may also be able to get a free membership.
When you sign up for a cashback website, you may be required to set a minimum withdrawal amount. If you do not reach this amount, your cash back will not be credited to your account. In addition to setting a minimum, you should ensure the website is secure. For example, some sites require you to use a browser extension to keep track of your earnings. Many sites also require that you create a login before you can receive your rewards.
Once you are registered, you can start shopping and earn cash back. The site has thousands of top retailers in its network. Besides earning money, you will also be able to receive recommendations on how to save money when you shop. Rakuten offers a browser extension, which allows you to get cash back notifications for your purchases. Another great option is Ibotta, which offers digital coupons for your favorite stores.