Discover a world of health and wellness benefits at New Vitality, including savings on monthly premiums. Our personalized healthcare plans are tailor-made to your lifestyle needs and give access to innovative products designed to help you look and feel your best.
Vitality rewards you based on how active you are – so if you reach certain targets, rewards like free coffee or cinema tickets and discounts on Apple watches could come your way – providing additional motivation to stay healthy – which benefits all involved.
Increase Your Rewards
Shop HealthyFood at Pick n Pay or Woolworths to gain up to 75% back, while Clicks/Dis-Chem offer 50%. In addition, Discovery Miles can be used at an array of in-store and online partners as well as being exchanged for cash rewards!
Stay on Top of Your Activity
Our app keeps up with Vitality Points so you can easily track how many you’ve earned over time – each point worth just pennies so it won’t take long before you’ve amassed rewards galore!
Cash Back Mall, our free online shopping mall, allows you to earn up to 5% cashback on purchases made from over 300,000,000 products – redeeming that cashback can get you various gift cards starting from $25!