Earn Cash Back at StubHub

Earn Cash Back at StubHub and use it towards paying for tickets to sports events, concerts and Broadway shows. Established by Eric Baker and Jeff Fluhr in 2000, StubHub has since become the go-to website for buying and selling event tickets worldwide – from meet-and-greet events to concerts across the globe! StubHub provides fans a reliable alternative if they can’t attend an event themselves, or need to sell off tickets they already own for another purpose.

Consumers love StubHub for its user-friendly experience, seating charts and filter tools that make finding ideal seats effortless. In addition, the company is committed to protecting its customers through the FanProtect Guarantee that ensures tickets will arrive in time and won’t differ significantly from what was described; additionally it covers replacement ticket costs as well as replacement ticket costs. Likewise sellers enjoy StubHub’s marketplace platform that enables them to list tickets free-of-fee as events near.

Though StubHub provides many positives, some users have encountered difficulties using it. Some were unable to receive tickets in the mail due to technical glitches and could take time for customer service representatives to respond – an issue which should be avoided by reading listings carefully and calling customer support as soon as a problem arises. To do this effectively and ensure success.