Earn Cash Back at Teleflora
Teleflora, located in Los Angeles, boasts an international network of 18,000 florists that connect customers with artistically arranged bouquets that are hand-delivered directly. Their flowers and plants cover any special event such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings or holidays and their website provides you with access to various bouquets, gift baskets, plants or centerpieces to choose from.
Shop by price to find gifts within your budget, or take advantage of special offers such as their Deal of the Day bouquets where a local florist will create a one-of-a-kind floral arrangement using in-season blooms just for you. In addition, the site also provides other gift ideas ranging from teddy bears and chocolates to vases and accessories – perfect for celebrating any special event!
Teleflora offers several effective strategies for saving when purchasing flowers online: signing up for their free rewards program allows you to exchange points on every purchase; in addition, Teleflora occasionally issues coupons worth as much as $15 off an order; finally, subscribing to their newsletter will keep you abreast of all their latest offerings and specials.
Teleflora also offers other ways of reaching them; email via their customer service portal can be used. Include your order number to speed up this process. They have live chat available 24/7 as well, which usually responds within 24 hours after being asked for assistance.