Vivino Cashback Service Vivino’s Cashback service gives you an opportunity to recoup part of the cost of purchases made through us and take advantage of additional discounts and offers available. This way you can save money while getting additional discounts!
How Cashback Works
Finding a website offering competitive deals is of utmost importance when searching for cashback deals, so make sure that the one you choose is secure with strong reviews from past customers, plus look out for providers with welcome bonuses to increase rebates in your first purchases.
Consideration should also be given when shopping Vivino regarding processing time of rebates and earnings withdrawal. You typically must wait 10-30 days before being able to access them – be patient if this doesn’t appear yet and keep checking your account regularly if nothing has appeared yet!
Vivino’s primary source of revenue comes from advertising fees charged to wineries that list their wines on its platform. These fees are calculated as a percentage of sale price and should reflect how popular their wines are among consumers.
Vivino generates substantial revenues through “Wine Club,” its most frequent users who receive personalized shipments tailored to their taste profiles and activities on the platform. Each shipment costs $120 and contains six bottles of wine.