If you are looking for a way to get the most value out of your vacation, you may want to consider using BookVIP as a cashback option. This service offers discounted hotel and travel packages. However, if you are looking for a more reliable way to save money, you should look into other options. Below are some of the ways you can earn cash back with BookVIP.
If you have a Visa Signature card, you can earn extra VIP experiences through the Mastercard payment network. These experiences vary depending on the cobrand you are signed up with. Currently, you can get special access to VIP events in select cities around the world. For example, you can book a Brazilian dining experience in Sao Paulo or take a tour of Brooklyn street art.
Another way you can earn money is with an online coupon code. There are numerous websites that offer these coupons. The key is to find a website that has a good reputation. You also need to make sure the website you choose is secure. Some sites are free to join and even offer a welcome bonus.
BookVIP is a company that rewards you for shopping through their website. In return, they provide a certain percentage of your purchase as cash back. Before you can use this cashback, however, you will need to submit an application to BookVIP. Once approved, you can then use this cashback to save on other products.